Preventative measures for Cloths Moths
Lambeth Pest Control have been receiving an increase in calls over moth infestations. The reason for this may be that as the recession hits people have less money to properly circulate their homes using the correct ventilation. There are however measures that can be taken in preventing a clothing moth ruining your clothes, carpets, and textiles.
Moths like moisture. The reason for this is that moths actually only have one source of food which is the keratin which they turn into protein food from the clothes. This means that they have no drink source. To combat the problem, what moths do is they pick clothes that have a lot of moisture in them naturally. This means clothes that have liquids split on them which have no been cleaned, or clothes which are sweaty. Be sure that if you are going to store your clothes in a dark area which is quite attractive for moth production, that your clothes are always clean.
However, moths do feed off of clean clothes as well. Dark areas which are humid are places that moths prosper the quickest in. The fastest growing cycles are two months but may take up to two years in total. Moths are resilient and can wait a long time for their food source so it does not have to be constant or permanent. Larvae are only 1 to 2 mm long and to most human eyes are unnoticeable. Many people only notice moths on their clothing if their clothing has been damaged. Some people believe that clothing moths only go after woolly clothes but this is not true. Moths can survive on many different types of fabric including silk, fur, cotton, synthetic materials. Moths have even been found in foods such as cereals, flour, biscuits, bran, and semolina. Therefore, the environment in which moths can prosper is very diverse.
An interesting fact to note is that moths can take up to two years gaining their food source and therefore are quite resilient as pests.
Moths like dark places. This means that if a moth is exposed to a light place, it will often hide under a carpet or behind a curtain corner in an area which is dark. It then stays in that area and is able to cause damage without it being immediately noticeable. So always remember to check these high risk areas.
Lambeth Pest control offers moth extermination and moth removal services for all areas of Lambeth. They are known to be affordable, effective, efficient, and offer their services to the highest quality. All their pest control technicians are RSPH/BPCA (FEPA) trained.